Admissions | Baha'i School




Admissions commence from Nursery (the child should have completed three years of age at the beginning of the session i.e. February for admission into nursery). The form must be completed in every details and submitted with all required documents before an application can be officially considers. Once the admission is conformed no fees will be refunded.

No child can be officially registered unless a school leaving certificate, duly countersigned by the Education Board of the state or country. From which they come is submitted to the school. This signing bit does not apply to children coming from CBSE affiliated school within the State of Sikkim.


  1. Long leave of absence is granted on a previously written application from parents or guardian.
  2. A pupil who has been suffering from or who has been in contact with any infectious disease must produce a certificate (from a competent authority) that he can attend school without risk of conveying infection. Students suffering from the following diseases must observe the prescribed period of quarantine before returning to class.
    • (A) Chicken pox- Till complete falling of scabs.
    • (B)Cholera- Till the child completely recovers
    • (C) Measles-Two weeks after the rash disappears
    • (D)Mumps-Until the swelling has gone (3 to 4 weeks)
    • (E)Whooping cough- Six weeks
  3. Parents are excepted to give one clear calendar month notice or one month fees in lieu of it to withdraw their wards.
  4. School leaving certificate will be issued only after all school fees have been fully cleared and to formally registered students who have submitted all the relevant certificates (School leaving certificate from previous school if applicable).


The school Authority may dismiss the child from school if: His/her conduct is considered a bad influence or harmful and he/she does not respond to correction. No reduction of fees can be made for temporary absence of a child.

REWARDS: “Certificate of Merit”

Your wards can win certificates of merit for any commendable act outstanding performance besides the certificate and prizes awarded for competition in academics, games, sports and cultural activities.

If your ward does not respond to correction, he may have to be detained after school hours, may have to comply to imposition, suspended if need be , and even expelled from school in extreme cases.


If your ward indulges in any one of the following he will be expelled from school.

  1. Take alcohol or drugs in any form.
  2. 2. Shows blatant disobedience and disregards authority.
  3. 3. Participates in gangs fights.
  4. Participates in strikes.
  5. Practices vandalism.
  6. Stripe up mischief and instigates trouble.
  7. Strikes or hits to wound.
  8. Absents himself/herself from school or skips classes. Leaves taken should be applied for through the dairy and granted by the principal for it to be valid.

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